Sunday, November 21, 2010

How is it almost December?

There is this weird time phenomenon over here where everyday seems like a week and every week seems like a day. It's been a while since I last posted an update, and I can't even wrap my mind around 
    everything that has happened in the meantime. So...enjoy some random pictures and stories.

Ann, the lovely lady who gave me a home to stay in in Motherwell. Every morning she would hug us goodbye and stand at the door waving as we drove away.  I shared a bed with Cat from Scotland (the girl on the far right), I was a little concerned because we didn't know each other that well so I wasn't sure what we'd talk about in bed, but we really hit it off and now she's one of my really good friends here. We spent the week in lectures on "The Nature and Character of God", ran the weekly ministries of King's Church, and tried to bless the city with service and prayer.
Open Mic night at the base. We did the "Doll hands" skit from Saturday Night Live.
Georgia and I flew to London over the long weekend to visit Katie. She's our dear, dear friend who is doing a DTS in Harpenden, England. For some reason Harpenden lets herds of chickens roam free around the base, so Georgia and I spent much of our time trying to capture a quality photograph. Georgia swears she will not be leaving her day job to be a bird photographer. 

One of the biggest things that I have been learning and working through recently came up during lectures on The Holy Spirit. At one point the speaker asked us to share any prayers that were on our heart at the moment. A couple of us prayed out, I prayed something about how I don't want to find my value in people but in God, and then the speaker Mariette interjected. She politely asked the two of us if we minded her using us for a teaching moment. We both agreed, and Mariette pointed out that we seemed to be asking for things in a way that indicated we weren't expecting to get what we were asking for. She told us to pray the same prayers again, but this time not to ask for anything, and instead focus on who God is and what his promises are. By turning the focus away from us and onto what we know is true about God, our prayers radically changed. I just felt so much more authority when I claimed things that God has already promised, rather then feebly wondering if I might get them in the future. I've always known in my head that I need to pray with faith and expectancy, but praying while keeping God as the centre has really helped me to wrap my mind around it and apply it.