Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seamill: It's a real place, I swear!

Tomorrow I will be sitting in an airport waiting to fly to Scotland! Many people have supported me, and encouraged me, and asked to be kept up to date, so I thought that this would be a prime time to embark into the world of blogging. I am unsure as to how often I will have anything worth reporting, and unsure as to whether anyone cares...but Danielle assured me that at least she will be reading. So..Hey Danielle! I have been told by multiple people that if I am to do this I need to shoot for the quality of Jeff Seaman's blog...so that is a lot of pressure.

After three months I'll be leaving Scotland and heading...to some currently unknown mystery country. Wednesday afternoon Georgia and I will by flying out on Crusty Bob's no-name airline (also known as Canadian Affair Airline). The tickets were only three hundred dollars direct to Scotland! Some of the other people on our DTS were paying just under a thousand dollars for their flight! So instead of being grateful that it was so cheap...I'm just mildly suspicious as to why they are practically handing out tickets for free. However...I suppose where they get you is luggage. Once you go over the luggage limit of 20 KG it costs 20 dollars per extra KG. So as Georgia pointed out, it would just be cheaper to buy a second seat on the plane rather then try to bring a second 20 KG bag.

While I'm away, please stay in touch! I will not have my phone until I get back.
Email: vickyhirsche@hotmail.com
Skype: victoria.l.h
The Seamill Centre

9 Glenbryde Road
Seamill, West Kilbride
KA23 9NJ

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