Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ayrshire, Turkey, and Africa, oh my!

So a huge turn of events occured this week that means our whole rest of the DTS is going to look much different then we thought. Originally we were all breaking into three groups for the last three months: one group staying in Scotland, one group going to Africa (myself), and one group going to Turkey (Georgia). However, we were having trouble hammering out plans for various reasons, and the staff were confused as to why things weren't coming together. During one of their staff meetings last week they had what we here at Seamill call a "Whoosh" moment (one of those moments where you realize what God is trying to tell you and suddenly things make sense), specifically in the form of an image they were all getting of a tri bladed ceiling fan. After more thinking, talking, and praying, the staff realized that we should be doing the entirety of our DTS in unity. So all 19 of us will be going to all three locations one after another. We're all going to be working in Scotland for December, then we're heading to Turkey for a month, then Morocco for the final month before we head back to Scotland. I am overjoyed about this, because although I was excited to spend three months in Africa, and certain that God was going to do big things, I was broken hearted at the thought of fracturing our group.  The entire time we've been here we always talk about how God is speaking to us about unity, family, and helping one another along, so I'm excited that he meant for the entire six months and not just the beginning. On a less deep note, we will get to spend Christmas together here in Scotland! 

We're spending next week in Motherwell, partnering with a church there to do some ministry tying in with "Guy Fawkes Day". On November 5th they celebrate a man who failed to blow up the parliament building (V for Vendetta, anyone?). People celebrate by having a bonfire and throwing a replica of Guy Fawkes into the fire. That's...different. Some of us will be staying on the floor of the church, while some of us get to stay at host family homes. Georgia has been building up in her head the fantasy of what these family's homes will be like, so unless she is adopted by Daddy Warbucks this week I suspect she might be let down. She's very excited for the jacuzzi and ice cream parlour that's probably going to be in the house she's staying at. My ideal situation would be a family of chefs that want to try out the recipes they're thinking of including in their next bestselling cookbook.


  1. haha!
    you are a wonderful blogger, jus' sayin.
    it sounds like things are really coming together :)
    that is very exciting. I cant wait to hear about your adventures in all three places. It's actually really encouraging to hear even just the short comments you had to say about having a heaven mindset (what was that phrase you used? anyway) -I could use a little more of that in my own life these days.. once upon a time I was such a content and positive person, lately I realized Ive just been hating on everything. which is dumb, so I dont think I'll do that anymore.
    miss you very much.

  2. we are so proud of you Vicky!!
    Grama & Grampa Hirsche
