Saturday, October 16, 2010

If you're reading this, the coach is proud of you!

So we have really gotten into the swing of things here in Scotland. I still miss Calgary dearly, but I definitely feel happy and comfortable here. It will be odd to go home and not be constantly surrounded by people. The other day my room mates were out really late and I actually had trouble sleeping because the room was spooky without them.

So I have shared some funny stories but honestly this has been the most emotionally and spiritually stretching experience of my life, and it's only been two weeks. I can't imagine how I'll feel in five months. During the week we have lectures and work duties, and then various activities during the evenings so it's seriously go, go, go from the minute we get up. We also have "Coach Powers" three times a week before breakfast, which is this audio workout we all do together. He's this old man who says obnoxious things like: "The coach is proud of you!", and "You're doing awesome!" Shut up coach, you can't see us.

The first week was just general orientation and introduction lectures to get us all on the same page, and week two was "Overview of the bible". We had a guest speaker who came in to prep us to help volunteer at a conference in Glasgow next weekend, and he actually turned out to be the most challenging and interesting speakers, in my opinion. His teaching was about how Heaven is not just some far off place we go when we die, but that Jesus intended us to bring Heaven to earth by living out his teachings. This idea has challenged me in every area of my life, even down to when I'm doing my work duties and realize that emotions like boredom and lazyness are not Heaven minded. Keeping this mindset has brought me alot of joy as well as a more optimistic attitude about...everything.

We know our outreach locations, if you'd like to know specifically I can tell you over skype. I can say that we're going to need prayers that God would open doors to get us into the country in question as it's going to be very difficult to deal with the authorities.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vicki! Glad to hear that you've been so challenged by the speakers! Praying for you as you work to apply the things you've been challenged by... Living with a heaven mindset, and choosing joy is definitely a big one to learn and absorb!

    I'll be praying for favor with the authorities for your outreach as well!

